Wednesday 7 October 2015

What Is Namaz | Salat – Namaaz Ke Masael

Namaz Salat prayer
Alert: Salat = Salaat = Namaz = Namaaz Don’t confused.
Definition of Namaz or Salat:-
 The word Namaaz is also used for the word Salaat. The meaning of which is prayers & in shariath terminology it is a name of certain acts standing up, genuflexion, prostration, etc. (qiyam, Rukūʿ, Sajdah , etc.)
Preference of Salat:-
Salat is that prayer which is made compulsory first & it will be withdrawn first from this world & the first question on doomsday will be about Salaat.
No Religion is exclusive of Namaaz:-
Namaz - Salat Prayer
The Salaat was made compulsory on all the holy messengers of Allah right from the Holy Prophet Hadrath Adam (A.S.) to till date. However the number & mode was different. & now in Islamic shariat the procedure prescribed is most perfect.


Salat is the first & foremost regulation (1) of Islam.
1. After belief.
2. It will not be an exaggeration if it is said that a Muslim is identified by Salat. The holy messenger (SAWS) said “The Salaat is the pillar of religion whoever protects Salaat he has protected the religion & whoever relinquished he destroyed the base”. He (SAWS) further said, The religion without Salat is like a body without head”.

Importance of Namaz or Salat:-

Namaz salat prayer
Namaz is compulsory for a Muslim five times a day (whether rich, poor, wealthy, ill, resident or a traveler). Even when there is clash of armies & fierce fighting performance of Namaaz for Muslims is compulsory. A woman when laboring, a critical moment for her, & less than half of the body of her baby has came out even at that time there is order to perform Namaz & the delay is not permitted. The importance of Namaaz is further evidenced from the Hadith that even though it is not compulsory on a minor yet he is pursued to observe prayers. It is further decreed to punish the child for not observing the Namaz after attaining 10 years of age, so that he forms the habit of saying Namaaz. There are reminders in the Quran & Hadith at many places for observance of Salat. Salaat is quite compulsory on the Muslims & there is no escape from it till death.
The Consequences of giving up Salat or Namaz:-
Huzoor (SAWS) declared that Salat maintains distance between a believer & unbeliever. Those who have purposely given up Salaat are turned an unbeliever (almost near about unbelief). He also declared that the Salat should not be given up because those who give up Salat will be cut off from Islam. There is no place for him in Islam. Whoever relinquishes Salaat he will be destined with Firaun, Qaroon, Haman, Ubai Bin Khalf (the inveterate enemies of Islam) on the Day of Judgment? After knowing these declarations one cans clearly understand the consequences & the results & his connection with Islam.
The Bounties of Salat or Namaz:-
Salat refreshes the bonds of master & servant. It makes the life of a Muslim virtuous & polite & keeps him away from all evils. In other words Salaat is a fortress wherein no sin is allowed to enter.

Huzoor (SAWS) has further declared as follows:-

Namaz salat prayer
1. When a Muslim observes Namaz his sins are wiped out as in the autumn the leaves drop from the trees.
2. After taking bath in a canal five times in a day there will not be any dirt on the body, similarly by observing Namaaz five times one attains purity from the gravity of sins.
3. The minor sins committed during two Namaaz will be wiped out.
4. Everything is affected by fire but not the forehead of a person who observes namaz.
5. Namaz is the light (Noor) for a Momin.
6. A person who observes daily prayers regularly, the light (Noor) will be with him on the Day of Judgment & the Namaaz will plead for his pardon.
7. Namaz is the key to heavens.
8. No sooner the Namaaz is begun than the doors of heavens are opened. Nothing will create any hurdle between the person performing the Namaaz & the Almighty Allah.
9. Nearness to Allah is ensured in prostration (Sajdah).
10. In namaz, the observer of Namaaz makes deliberations with Allah.
11. Further it is said that “Namaz is my comfort & satisfaction”.
Principles of Namaz or Salat:-
Definition of Namaz or Salat (1):-
Namaz salat prayer
Salat is obligatory on every sane & major Muslim as individual (2) duty (whether male or female) five times a day.
A person discarding the obligation of Salaat is an infidel.
1. Meaning ‘Fajar ‘, ‘Zohar’, ‘Asar ‘, ‘Maghreb’, ‘Esha’.
(Warning):- The timings of Salat & Azan & the principles of Azan have been elaborately explained in the III part of the book.
2. That means it is divine order & its compliance is obligatory on every individual, sane, major Muslim. This duty cannot be absolved if a few individual is performing it.
3. Relinquished of Salat (due to laziness & indolence) is the sinner of the first rate, punishment for it, according to Imaam Azam Abu Hanifa (R.A) is imprisonment till he repents (contrary to it the other imams (It means Imaam Malik, Imaam  Shafai, & Imaam  Ahmed Bin Hanbal (R.A.)) are in favors of death penalty).
Conditions for making the Namaz compulsory:-
 The following are the conditions for making Namaaz compulsory:
1. Believer (Salat is not obligatory on an infidel)
2. Major (Salat is not obligatory on a minor).
3. Sane (Salat is not obligatory on insane).
4. Availability of time (If time is not available e.g. immediately after embracing Islam or after attaining majority or getting cleaned from menstruation & confinement or recovery from insanity, to utter ‘Takbir Tahreema’ then the Salat of that segment will not be obligatory).
Further a woman should be free from menses (Salat is not obligatory on woman during menstruation or confinement & the Salat of this period is waived.(Warning):- Such women after making ablution may sit on the prayer carpet so that the habit of saying Salat does not die)
An confinement (The details of the symptoms of menstruation & confinement are shownBelow link Rules Regarding the Major Impurity.8. These are called external obligations because they are compulsory to be attained before starting the Salat & the principles which are internally compulsory are called the ingredients of the Salat which will be explained in due course).
Conditions for making the Salat Correct and Perfect (8):-
1. Cleanliness of body.
2. Cleanliness of the clothes.
3. Cleanliness of the place.
4. The hidden parts of the body are covered.
5. To face Qibla.
6. Intention.
1. The things which make bathing essential & the conditions which prevail on the body of a human being under Shariat are called ceremonial impurity. (Hadas e Akbar).
Rules Regarding the Major Impurity:
2. During the state of major ceremonial impurity (Hadas e Akbar) observing prayers, prostration, circumambulation of the Holy ‘Ka’ba’, touching the Holy ‘Quran,’ (If it is in a separate cover it is lawful to touch) recitation of Holy ‘Quran’ intentionally (by seeing or oral) (even though it is less than one verse,) writing of any verse, touching of any ring on which any Quranic verses are inscribed or written, entering the mosque etc. are totally prohibited.
3. During menses & child birth a woman is barred from observing fast.
4. During the menses & child birth saying prayers are exempt, & when the menses are complete & the bleeding due to child birth is stopped there is no objection to observe the makeup Salat. It is Compulsory to make up for fasting.
5. A woman who is a teacher & under menses can teach word by word without reciting a full verse.
6. During the menses sexual intercourse is prohibited & seeing the body of a woman from naval to thigh & touching & hugging it without veil is disapproved to the point of being forbidden. (However the rest of the body can be touched & can be rejoiced.
7. To sleep (To sleep separately or to abstain from union is abhorrent because it resembles the practice of Christians or Jews) with a woman under menstruation & to use her leftover, water & other material, & to get the food prepared by her etc. is lawful.
8. If a woman forgets her days of menses or suspicious about the period of menses & purity or to become free from menses, in such circumstances she can perform prayers after taking fresh bath.
9. The menses of a woman are stopped after ten days & night’s carnal conjunction is permitted before taking bath. (However without bathing intercourse is unpleasant). & the menses which last for less than ten days & nights but according to the formed habit it is stopped then intercourse is not permitted unless she takes bath or a segment of one prayer is lapsed. (However after bath it is permitted or after lapse of one prayers time intercourse is permitted without taking bath) (It is lawful but not desirable) & if it lasts for a lesser period than the formed habit then unless & until that period according to the habit is not completed intercourse is not permitted. (Even though a woman has already taken bath).
10. Metorrhagia (Istehaza) does not make the bath compulsory & under these state prayers, fasting, etc. all is permitted provided fresh ablution is made for every prayer.
11. During ‘Istehaza’ intercourse is permitted.
Warning: – On whom bating is essential he must take bath without delay (There is a ”hadith” that the angels of peace do not visit that house where a person under major ceremonial impurity is found). If it is so much delayed that one segment of prayers is about to lapse it is obligatory to take bath immediately. Some women even after the creaser of menses & puerperium delay in getting out of ceremonial impurity & wait for complete 40 days & feel themselves as incapable of observing prayers is nothing but ignorance & mistake. Immediately after creaser get bathed & start observing prayers.
The Essentials of the Salat (Arkane Namaz)
The Essentials of Namaz (within) are seven which are discussed as below:-
1. Initial Takbir (Takbir -e-Tahrima)
2. Standing (Qiyam)
3. Recitation of Quran (Qirat)
4. Genuflexion (Rukūʿ)
5. Prostration (Sajdah)
6. Last Sitting (Qayeda Akhira)
7. To end the Salat with Salaam.
The following are the obligations of Salat:-
Obligations of the Salat (wajibat e Namaz):-
1. Recitation of Surahh Fatiha.
2. Combined Surahh.
3. Fixing of recitation of Surahh Fatiha & joining Surah in the first two Raka’at.
4. Maintenance of the sequence.
5. Correct performance of various postures.
6. First sitting (Qaida oola).
7. Tashahud.
8. Qirat with voice.
9. Qirat with no voice.
10. The word salaam at the time of ending Salat.
11. Prayer Words (Qunut witr).
12.Takbir at Eidain.
The Traditions of Salat (Namaaz Ki Sunnahein):
The following are traditional way of the Holy Prophet (SAWS) for performing Salat:-
1. Raising of both hands up to ear lobules (before takbir e tahrima) for takbir e tahrima (And for takbir e qunoot & takbirat e Eidain also)
2. Tying of both hands under the navel (after takbir e tahrima) keeping the right handsover the left.
3. Uttering Sana in the first Raka’at (after folding hands) i.e.’Subhanakallahumma till the end.
4. Uttering Ta’awwuz in the first Raka’at (after Sana) i.e. ‘Auoozubillahi Minash Shaitawnir Rajeem’.
5. Uttering Tasmiya in every Raka’at before Al-hamd i.e. ‘Bismillah Hir Rahma nir Raheem’.
6. Uttering Aamin at the end of Al-hamd.
7. Uttering Aamin, Tasmiya, Sana, and Ta’awwuz slowly.
8. Uttering takbiraat i.e. Allahu Akbar at the time of going from one posture to another in the Salat. (For Rukūʿ & Sajdah etc.).
9. Uttering tasbih, thrice or five or seven times in the Rukūʿ i.e. Subhana Rabbial Azeem.
10. Holding the knees with fingers keeping them apart in the Rukūʿ.
11. At the time of rising the head utter TasmiyaVa tahmeed (Samiallahu leman hamida & rabbana lakal hamd). Imaam is to utter Tasmiya & the follower tahm.
12. Utter ‘Subhana Rabbial Aalaa’ thrice or eed & the individual performer of Salat both. More during Sajdah.
13.In the Jalsa (short sitting) & Qaida (long sitting) kneel down on both the knees sitting on the left foot which is tucked to the left ham. The right foot is propped up resting on its toes.
14. In the final sitting recite Durood e shareef after Tashahud.
15. Recite Dua’ masoora (Dua’ masoora is that Dua’ which is mentioned in the Holy Quran or Hadith) after Durood e sharif.
16. For salaam utter the words ‘Assalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah’.
17. At the time of conveying salaam turn the face towards right & left.

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